This is the home page of Mossalia! Click around and see what you discover...
check out my siblings site ---> Here
100%ing... Stardew Valley
Listening to...DJ Bax - South Park Donk
Watching...stardew valley min max runs
Obsessing over.......stardew valley....

Update log
5/8/24 - new blog post and I considered doing more...
4/13/24 - Monkey covering eyes emoji, I finally did something. check out the blog page, I'll clean it up later... my besties coming in a week so I am BUSY BUSY BUSY!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN FUCKING EGBERT!
3/18/24 - Added to collections.
3/16/24 = I did a MASSIVE rehaul over the week. As of right now, this site is ready for me to fill with content - YAY!!! :D:D:D
3/6/24 = The blog page works now and has a post. this took me 2 weeks to update but in reality about 30 minutes of real actual coding ;P
2/26/24 - WOWOWOWOW dont check the about me!!!!!!!!
2/21/24 - Did a really quick about me edit, going to go stamp hunting l8tr
2/18/24 - More annoying :)
2/17/24 - site has an update feature now. I figured out how to make things look how I like...dont click on any links - they do not work yet! you can drag me around though!